How to right justify in word for resume
How to right justify in word for resume

how to right justify in word for resume

Specifically, they confuse the ATS since such software can’t read images, infographics, and unconventional fonts. Resumes that don’t follow the standard format are less likely to make it past applicant tracking system (ATS) software.Keep your margins between ½” and 1″ wide - on all four sides Resume margin size for creative resumesĪ non-traditional resume can cause problems for job seekers for two reasons: Margins that are too wide will leave your resume with too much white space, while margins that are too narrown will make it cluttered and hard to read.Ĭheck out this example to see what standard margins for a resume look like:Īnything less than ½” margins on your resume may make it look overloaded with information. Resume margin size is easy to overlook when you’re writing a resume but setting your margins correctly is essential if you want it to look professional. Or, you might prefer more narrow page margins if you want to include more details on your resume. For example, you might use 1″ margins if you have less work experience.

how to right justify in word for resume

However, you can move your margins within a range of ½”–1″. Most hiring managers prefer 1″ margins, which are the default on Microsoft Word.

  • How to set margins in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
  • What professional resume margins to use for a printed resume.
  • how to right justify in word for resume

  • What size the best margins for a resume are.
  • Along with layout and font, margins are an important part of proper resume formatting. To impress potential employers, it’s important to make sure that your resume looks polished and professional.

    How to right justify in word for resume